Give Voice! Contact Your Local Representative

Give Voice! Contact Your Local Representative

Adults and children can and should contact their representatives. Representatives are elected to serve all their constituents, regardless of age. Reaching out as a child can be a meaningful way to share unique perspectives and concerns. Here’s how children  and their guardians can effectively contact their representatives:

1. Choose a Method

a. Write a Letter

  • Writing a physical letter is a personal and impactful way to communicate.
  • Include:
    • A brief introduction (name, age, and where you live).
    • Why you’re writing and the issue that matters to you.
    • Any questions or suggestions you have.
  • eeBoo makes easy to use postcards ready to send to your chosen rep. 

b. Send an Email

  • Most representatives have online contact forms that children can use with parental guidance.
  • Follow the same structure as a letter but keep it concise.

c. Make a Phone Call

  • With help from an adult, children can call their representative’s office.
  • Speak clearly and politely, introducing themselves and stating their concern or question.

d. Attend a Town Hall

  • Children can attend local events like town halls or public meetings with an adult.
  • This is a great opportunity to ask questions and interact directly with the representative.

e. Use Social Media

  • Many representatives are active on social media platforms.
  • Children can, with supervision, comment on posts or send direct messages about their concerns.

2. Tips for Children

  • Speak from the heart: Representatives often value genuine messages, especially from young constituents.
  • Keep it simple: Focus on one or two key points.
  • Ask for help: Parents or teachers can help write or review the message.

3. Parental Guidance

  • Ensure children understand the importance of respectful communication.
  • Monitor correspondence and help them navigate online forms or social media platforms safely.

Find your elected officials here:

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