Victorian-era parties were filled with fun and often quirky parlor games that entertained guests without the need for technology or special items. Here are some classic Victorian party games you can try:
1. The Minister’s Cat 🐱
A word game where players take turns describing "The Minister’s Cat" with adjectives in alphabetical order (e.g., "The Minister’s Cat is an adorable cat," "The Minister’s Cat is a boisterous cat"). If someone hesitates or repeats a word, they’re out!
2. Blind Man’s Bluff 🙈
A player is blindfolded and must try to catch and identify other players by touch alone. It's a mix of tag and hide-and-seek, often leading to laughter.
3. Pass the Slipper 👞
Players sit in a circle and secretly pass a small object (traditionally a slipper) behind their backs while one person in the center tries to guess where it is.
4. The Tray Memory Game 🧐📝
Place about 15 small objects (a thimble, a key, a coin, a button, etc.) on a tray and let everyone look at them for 30 seconds. Then cover the tray and see who can remember the most items!
A classic Victorian theme of memory and observation.
5. Charades 🎭
A timeless classic! Players act out phrases or book titles while the others guess. The Victorians loved literary themes, so popular books of the time were often used.
6. Forfeits 🎩
Players take turns doing challenges or answering riddles. If they fail, they must give up a personal item. The host then assigns a funny or embarrassing task to “win” their item back. 14 Victorian Riddles to get you started.
7. The Laughing Game 😂
Players sit in a circle, and one person starts by saying "Ha." The next says "Ha-ha," the third "Ha-ha-ha," and so on. Anyone who actually laughs is out!
8. Are You There, Moriarty? 👃
Two blindfolded players lie on the floor and try to hit each other with rolled-up newspapers while saying, "Are you there, Moriarty?"—a hilarious test of reflexes!
Use a feather or foam pool noodle for friendlier play.
9. Wink Murder 😉🔪
One player is secretly chosen as the "murderer." They discreetly "kill" others by winking at them. The rest of the players must figure out who the murderer is before everyone "dies."
10. The Sculptor 🗿
One player is the “sculptor” and must position the other players into silly or dramatic poses, freezing them like statues. The first to laugh or break position loses!